
WordPress and the world (2)

I am fascinated by the idea of ‘different worlds;’ the different environments which people live in, but also the different ways in which people view the world.

I suppose the easiest way to think about this is to put an optimist next to a pessimist, and ask each of them to describe the scene in front of them. Their descriptions will likely be staggeringly different, and I always wonder if you could get behind another persons eyes and actually view the world as they do, whether it would look exactly the same. Do we impose a subjectivity filter onto the world we see outside of us? I believe that we do, and it is constantly changing as we progress through good and bad moods.

I know that if there’s a lot going on in my mind, I won’t be as aware of the world around me. If I’m stressed or tired everything appears very flat and drab, and I don’t really feel too much for my environment or my activities. On the other hand, when I’m in a great mood the world seems bright and upbeat, and I can almost feel the thrumming of possibility and potential inherent in everything around me.

So I feel that each of us probably view the world slightly differently, depending on what mood we’re in and what we’re doing at any given time. But, on top of that, I feel that the way we view the world probably also depends on how we feel we relate to it, and that this will be a constant underlying state of perception, which differs from person to person because each person is breath-takingly, complexly different.

Having just started working for a homelessness charity, I start to wonder how someone sleeping rough would see the world around them. How the world would appear to someone who maybe hasn’t gained too much advantage or luck out of life. I can’t imagine waking up, cold and scared and lonely, with nowhere safe to go and no real comprehension as to whether or not their situation will improve. This may sound a little melo-dramatic; but the sad thing is that it isn’t.

I walked down the high-street this morning, to come into work, feeling pretty on top of the world tbh. The sun was shining, I’m totally psyched about this job and what could come of it, and I was looking forward to getting a latte and a croissant for breakfast. I passed a guy sitting on a squashed downcardboard box, wrapped in a dirty blanket and holding out an empty paper cup for change from passers by. I gave him a few coins, and as I did so couldn’t help wondering about how different the world probably appeared to him that morning, from how I was experiencing it.

I know that for me, when I’m in a down mood the world doesn’t seem to offer much of colour or of life- but what if you’ve lived your whole life in a pretty down mood? What if life itself has never seemed to offer you up much positivity or reason to feel good about yourself and your future? I imagine that the world must be a very bleak place, and must appear so different from how it does to me.

I think that this is one of the worst injustices, that people get ground down to the point that they can’t see the possibility around them, and can’t feel a sense of hope and optimism. I realise I’m speculating here, and that guy with the box and the blanket might have been enjoying the sunshine as much as I was. But, having met quite a few people now who are either sleeping rough, or have been in the past, most of them seem to have led quite desperate existences, and experienced hardships I cannot imagine.

I guess noting where all my WP viewers came from yesterday made me feel as though my world is so large now, my thoughts and words are being engaged with by people all around the globe, and this is yet another thing which works to enhance my mood and brighten up my day. It also serves to remind me how lucky I am, and seeing that guy this morning got me thinking about all the different versions of events which exist out there, all the different perspectives, subjectivity filters and worlds.

Worlds and perceptions made different by distance, language and culture, but also separated by the simple distinction of being a person begging for money, and being a person with enough change in your wallet that you can afford to give some of it away.

13 thoughts on “WordPress and the world (2)

  1. I start to wonder how someone sleeping rough would see the world around them. How the world would appear to someone who maybe hasn’t gained too much advantage or luck out of life. I can’t imagine waking up, cold and scared and lonely, with nowhere safe to go and no real comprehension as to whether or not their situation will improve.

    Living in a country where homelessness is practically non existent, it’s hard to imagine a place where people sleep in doorways. It’s so easy to forget the hardships of life in the UK, one of the leading economies of the Western World.

    It is very much a case that the UK has sent so much of its manufacturing capacity abroad that there is very little work for people to do – the other side of which is the levels of education in the UK which by European standards are appalling.

    All I can say is that they will be very lucky to have someone as concerned – and as aware – as you are to support them. If there is anyone on this planet who will develop the insight into how they can help themselves, it is you. After all, whatever happened during their youth, there are evening classes and the Open University that give people a chance to enjoy the benefits of education.

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    1. Ah thanks Gemma 🙂 Yes it’s ironic isn’t it; we as a country are apparently so successful and so developed, but at what cost? How many people are our leaders ready and willing to leave behind to get us where they want us to be? It’s disgusting the difference between rich and poor, lucky and unlucky- we live in a day and age where luck should not be such a potent force xx

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      1. Take a look at my latest post, the reasons are all there.

        Books And The Building Industry.

        The negative thinking of those in charge has destroyed a country and society that had enormous potential. When people leave things to chance, that only tells me that they don’t know what the fuck they’re doing.

        If a builder did that, they’d be bankrupt within the year. There will be an upcoming post on what to do about it, though. Albeit it’s for the individual to grasp because the likes of the publishing industry are not going to listen to me. But that is the problem, and it is the problem for those you will meet.


      2. Just to add that my view of Britain’s economy is that it looks poor in comparison to modern, developed countries like Greece 😉


  2. “What if life itself has never seemed to offer you up much positivity or reason to feel good about yourself and your future? I imagine that the world must be a very bleak place, and must appear so different from how it does to me.”

    This relates to a lot of what is happening in the states regarding racial issues. When I see and hear white folks say things like, “They (black folks) need to get over it,” or some anecdotal example of black people getting out of the ghetto, it is immediately apparent – or it SHOULD be apparent – that the speaker is unaware that the inner life of huge swaths of our population is shaped by external, objective factors that can’t be simply wished away. White Privilege is just another way of saying many white people live in a subjective bubble and lack the will to imagine the world seen through another’s eyes. I know many people who lack such a will. In fact, it is the norm, and a more honest observation is the all too rare exception.

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  3. This is a lovely thought provoking post that needs a little musing over, I am however thankful that wordpress has introduced me to you and I look forward to reading your work and hearing about good times. It is amazing to know that the world is brought a little closer together by words but it is more amazing to me that someone less than hundred miles away can inspire me to stay truthful and open and continue to improve my writing! You know I think you’re fab – keep writing 🌟

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    1. Aah thanks this just made my morning!.. yes wordpress really is fantastic and special. Am glad we’ve been able to meet! I haven’t been too active lately but will check out your own blog later today 🙂 xx

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      1. 👋🏽 I was in south London today and I sent some love & light over to you. Great to read about all the things you’ve been upto/ thinking sorry I read them all in one sitting lol!!

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