
Love; like the sun and the moon

Am I in you, like you’re in me? Could that ever be? Beyond the pure physicality of love, the mechanics which make it all possible; can you feel me in you, like I feel you; coursing through my veins with the speed and weight of a giant wave, a tsunami raging towards the coast of…… Continue reading Love; like the sun and the moon

Misc · On Writing

After Christmas, before New Year; thoughts on finishing my book in 2018

Christmas is over. Ru and I are back at the flat attempting to transition back from partying/relaxing mode to writing/editing mode; and it’s been bloody difficult. Christmas’s are always full on with my family, and whilst it was lovely and festive and all that, it’s also proving to be really different to ‘come back’ from.…… Continue reading After Christmas, before New Year; thoughts on finishing my book in 2018